International Background Checks
International Background Checks
Screen candidates living around the world, and US-based candidates who have previously lived, worked, or studied in other countries.
Trust & Safety
The Importance Of International Background Checks
A comprehensive employment screening program should include International Background Checks for candidates living abroad, and those living in the US who have previously lived, studied, or worked in other countries. International Background Checks help your company:
- Make informed decisions based on reliable results from foreign databases
- Ensure your candidate’s international employment history is accurate
- Confirm your candidate has the skills and experience required
What You’ll Learn From International Background Checks
International Background Checks are used to screen candidates currently living outside of the US, or for candidates currently living in the US who previously lived, worked, or attended school in another country. Employers can run international checks to learn about:
Provides details about international criminal records, or returns clear results.
Verifies international employment history provided by your candidate.
Verifies international education history provided by your candidate.
Search Options
GoodHire’s Suite Of International Background Checks
Designed for candidates who have global backgrounds, GoodHire’s International Background Checks are available as add-on services. The following table shows International Background Checks offered, what they search, what each is best used for, and what the results show.
International Criminal Records Search*
Records in one of 223 countries.
Residents who have lived or worked outside of the US.
Any felony or misdemeanor criminal convictions, and pending criminal cases.
International Education Verification*
The secondary school, college, or university specified in one of 223 countries.
Current international residents, or US residents who have previously studied outside of the US
Attendance dates and degree, diploma, or certificate earned.
International Employment Verification*
Any employer specified in one of 223 countries.
Current international residents, or US residents who have previously worked outside of the US
Dates employed & job title(s).
* International background checks for candidates living outside the US are currently only available for our sales-assisted customers.
Learn More About International Background Checks
FCRA & International Background Checks For Candidates Living In The US
Employers using a Consumer Reporting Agency (CRA), like GoodHire, to run background checks to assess US-based candidates during the hiring process have important responsibilities to comply with the federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), including following the adverse action process. Ban-the-box compliance, targeted screens, and individualized assessments apply only when taking adverse action due to criminal records.
When running International Background Checks, it’s important to know:
- Each country requires specific documentation to search criminal records or verify credentials
- International Background Checks often take longer than US-only checks, but won’t delay US-only results. Learn more about each country’s turnaround times.
Data Protection Laws
GDPR & International Background Checks For Candidates Living Outside Of The US
International data protection laws such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) regulate the transfer and processing of personal data from a country to the United States. Employers who run background checks on candidates living in a country where international data protection laws exist must use a screener that complies with data protection requirements.
- GoodHire meets the requirements of the GDPR and international data protection laws. Learn more about GoodHire’s commitment to privacy compliance.
- Where applicable, GoodHire requires organizations running international background checks on candidates living outside the US to sign a Data Processing Agreement (DPA).
- Companies who do not comply with the law are subject to fines.