Pennsylvania MVR Instructions
  • 16 Dec 2022
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Pennsylvania MVR Instructions

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Article Summary

NOTE: If you’ve been asked to move your account to Checkr, some of the following features may be unavailable. Please refer to the GoodHire FAQs in the Checkr help center for more information:

Registering with the PA DOT for a PennDOT Access Code

In order for GoodHire to process motor vehicle record checks in the state of Pennsylvania, each organization is required to register with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PA DOT). Please follow the steps below if you need to obtain a PennDot code:

1. Complete both of the required forms

COMPANY INFO – Fill in your company’s legal information. If requested information does not apply to your business insert n/a (not-applicable) on that line.

YOUR INITIALS – The person responsible for completing the affidavit must initial each of the nine (9) declaration statements, then sign and date the form in the presence of a Notary.

2. Upload the completed forms

Use the upload functionality in your GoodHire account (preferred)

  1. Login to your GoodHire account
  2. Click on “Account” in the left-hand navigation bar and navigate to the “Company Profile” page
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the “Upload Additional Files” section
  4. Click “Add” to upload scanned copies of the completed forms
    Once you upload both forms, GoodHire is automatically notified and will review them within 1-2 business days

If you’re not able to upload using the GoodHire application, you may email the forms directly to [email protected]

3. GoodHire will submit the forms to the PA DOT

GoodHire will review both forms for accuracy and then submit them to the PA DOT. The average turnaround time for the PA DOT to issue a PennDot code is 6-8 weeks. Please note that open Pennsylvania motor vehicle record checks will be paused until the PennDot code is obtained.

4. Your organization’s PennDot Code will be added to your account

Once the PennDot code is issued, it will be automatically added to your account and you’ll be notified via email. Any open Pennsylvania motor vehicle records check(s) will then begin processing and future orders will automatically process using your PennDot code.

Additional Information:

  • You are required to complete, notarize, and file a new Employment Affidavit of Intended Use whenever information about your organization changes (name, address, ownership, telephone, website, etc.).
  • An Individual Driver Record (IDR) can be obtained directly by a candidate at the following link: . Please be advised that only the driver license holder is allowed to request their driver record using this method and must attest on the website to the fact that the record they are requesting is, in fact, theirs. The DMV warns that any entity other than the driver will be cut off from future record purchases for violating this rule, so compliance with this requirement is of utmost importance. If a candidate requests their own record from the DMV, the results will not populate in the GoodHire background check. The candidate will need to share the results with the employer directly.

If your organization has already been issued a PennDot code:
  1. Login to your GoodHire account
  2. Click on “Account” in the left-hand navigation bar and navigate to the “Company Profile” page
  3. Scroll down to the “MVR Details” section and click the EDIT button
  4. Enter your existing PennDot code in the ‘Pennsylvania PennDot Code’ field
  5. Click SAVE

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