- 20 Jul 2021
- Updated on 20 Jul 2021
Report Endpoints
GoodHire offers multiple endpoints and solutions to order reports. Below the two main flows, and the endpoints associated with each.
Seamless Integration
These endpoints offer the ability to pull packages for an account as well as placing an order directly on an account.
Retrieve Payment Info
Retrieve Customer Packages
Create a Report
Interactive Integration
These endpoints offer the ability to redirect a user to a GoodHire order pages, allowing them to complete some or all steps of ordering a report within the GoodHire UI.
Step Select Report
Step Checkout
Retrieve Payment Info
This returns the payment method on the account. This is used to verify a valid payment method setup so reports can be automatically ordered and applied to that a credit card or invoice.
HTTP Request
GET /company/:company_id/requestor/:requestor_id/payment-information
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
company_id | The id of the company to pull payment info |
requestor_id | The id of the requestor to pull payment info |
Request Example:
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
The API will respond with an HTTP 200 Ok. The body of the response will include PaymentMethodType showing if the is setup on invoice or creditcard. If the customer is setup on invoicing, no payment method info will be present.
Response Example:
"PaymentOptions": [
"PaymentMethodType": "Invoice"
"PaymentMethodType": "CreditCard",
"PaymentMethodInfo": {
"CardType": "Visa",
"Last4Digits": "1881",
"NameOnCard": "John Doe"
Name | Format | Description |
PaymentOptions | Array of objects | This lists all payment methods on customer account. invoice payments will not include paymentmethodinfo object. For credit card responses, refer to Credit Card Payments |
Credit Card Payments
Name | Format | Description |
CardType | string | What type of card is on file |
Last4Digits | string | Last 4 digits of saved card |
NameOnCard | string | Name of card holder |
Retrieve Customer Packages
This endpoint retrieves all packages available for the account, as well as the package prices.
HTTP Request:
GET /company/:company_id/requestor/:requestor_id/productbundles
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
company_id | The id of the requestor’s company |
requestor_id | The id of the requestor to retrieve |
Request example:
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
The API will respond with an HTTP 200 Ok. The body will include an array with a list of all available packages on the account.
Response Example:
"ProductBundleId": "RPT_BASIC",
"ProductBundleName": "Basic Report",
"ProductBundleDescription": "Basic Report",
"ProductBundlePrice": "$29.99",
"Products": [
"National Criminal Databases Search",
"Sex Offender List Search",
"SSN Trace + Associated Counties"
"ProductBundleId": "RPT_STANDARD",
"ProductBundleName": "Standard Report",
"ProductBundleDescription": "Standard Report",
"ProductBundlePrice": "$54.99",
"Products": [
"7-Year County Criminal Record Search (Up to 3 counties)",
"Domestic Watch List Search",
"National Criminal Databases Search",
"Sex Offender List Search",
"SSN Trace + Associated Counties"
"ProductBundleId": "RPT_PREMIUM",
"ProductBundleName": "Premium Report",
"ProductBundleDescription": "Premium Report",
"ProductBundlePrice": "$79.99",
"Products": [
"7-Year County Criminal Record Search (Up to 3 counties)",
"Domestic Watch List Search",
"Education Verification",
"Employer Verification",
"National Criminal Databases Search",
"SSN Trace + Associated Counties"
Response Attributes
Name | Format | Description |
ProductBundleId | string | The system ID of the product. This ID will be used to request reports via /report/queue , /stepselectreport , and /stepcheckout endpoints |
ProductBundleName | string | Customer facing package name |
ProductBundleDescription | string | GoodHire’s internal description |
ProductBundlePrice | string | Report price |
Products | array of strings | Lists all products included in package |
Create a Report
Within the GoodHire API, background checks are ordered by creating a report object. The report contains information on the candidate being screened as well as the type of GoodHire background check being run.
HTTP Request
POST /company/:company_id/requestor/:requestor_id/report/queue
URL Parameters
Name | Description |
company_id | The id of the company ordering the report |
requestor_id | The id of the requestor ordering the report |
Request Body Paramaters
Name | Required | Format | Description |
Candidate | x | object | see Candidate Paramaters |
Offer | x | Object | see Offer Parameters |
RequestOptions | Object | see Request Options Parameters |
Candidate Paramaters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
FirstName | x | string | |
MiddleName | string | ||
LastName | x | string | |
x | string | ||
DateOfBirth | string | In YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY format | |
SSN | string | Social security number (with or without dashes) | |
NPI | string | A National Provider Identifier number is a 10-digit number issued to healthcare providers | |
Address | string | Street address | |
City | string | ||
State | string | 2-letter state abbreviation | |
Zip | string | 5 or 5+4 zip | |
CandidateDriverRecords | array | See Candidate Driver Record Parameters | |
CandidateEmployments | array | See Candidate Employment Parameters | |
CandidateSchools | array | See Candidate School Parameters | |
CandidateLicenses | array | See Candidate License Paramters |
Offer Parameters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
Products | x | array of strings | Array of products being purchased. See Retrieve Customer Packages |
Request Options Parameters
Request options are meant to customize portions of the request, such as marking all information as submited for a candidate, adding billing codes, or stopping a receipt email from being sent.
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
SendPurchaseReceipt | boolean | Specifies if email receipt will be sent to requestor after purchase. (default is true) | |
SuppressCandidateSelfCompleteEmails | boolean | Whether or not emails to collect information from the candidate are disabled. (defaults to false) | |
SuppressCandidateConsentEmails | boolean | Whether or not emails to collect background check consent from the candidate are disabled. (defaults to false) | |
SuppressCandidateDrugConsentEmails | boolean | Whether or not emails to collect drug test consent from the candidate are disabled. (defaults to false) | |
ConsentReceived | boolean | Certification that you have already collected consent for the background check being ordered. (defaults to false) | |
IncludeReportData | boolean | Whether or not the results of the background check will be included as JSON in the created report object. (defaults to false) | |
BillingCode | string | Optional code that will be associated with report purchase on billing invoice. Max 50 characters, spaces allowed. (Billing codes must be enabled in customer account) |
Additional Candidate Parameters
These candidate parameters are only to be added if you are passing all candidate info for these additional checks: Motor Vehicle Report Verification, Employment Verification, Education Verification, Professional License Verification.
Candidate Driver Record Parameters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
DriverLicenseNum | x | string | License number |
DriverLicenseState | x | string | 2-letter state abbreviation |
Candidate Employment Parameters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
Alias | x | string | Name candidate used while at this employer (ie. maiden name) |
CompanyName | x | string | Employer company name |
Title | x | string | Candidate’s title |
ReasonForLeaving | string | Candidates reason for leaving | |
EmployerContactFullName | x | string | Employer contact name |
EmployerContactPhone | x | string | Phone number in XXXXXXXXXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX format |
ContactEmail | string | Employer contact email address | |
CompanyAddress | x | string | Street address |
City | x | string | |
State | x | string | 2-letter state abbreviation |
StartMonth | x | integer | 2-digit month |
StartYear | x | integer | 4-digit year |
EndMonth | situational | integer | 2-digit month |
EndYear | situational | integer | 4-digit year |
IsCurrentlyEmployed | x | boolean |
Candidate School Parameters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
EnrollmentName | x | string | Name candidate used while at this school (ie. maiden name) |
InstitutionName | x | string | School/Institution name |
City | x | string | |
Region | x | string | 2-letter state abbreviation |
Telephone | string | Phone number in XXXXXXXXXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX format | |
Degree | x | string | Name of degree earned/earning from the school |
StudyMajor | string | Field of study | |
EnrollmentStartMonth | x | integer | 2-digit month |
EnrollmentStartYear | x | integer | 4-digit year |
GraduationMonth | situational | integer | 2-digit month |
GraduationYear | situational | integer | 4-digit year |
IsCurrentlyEnrolled | x | boolean |
Candidate License Parameters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
LicenseType | x | string | Name of the license |
LicenseNumber | string | ||
LicenseAuthorityName | x | string | Entity that issued the license. |
LicenseAuthorityPhone | string | Phone number in XXXXXXXXXX or XXX-XXX-XXXX format | |
IssuedDate | string | In YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY format | |
ExpirationDate | string | In YYYY-MM-DD or MM-DD-YYYY format | |
StateIssued | string | 2-letter state abbreviation | |
Status | string | Valid values (Pending, Active, Expired, Suspended) |
Request Example:
curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"candidate": {
"firstName": "Test",
"lastName": "Candidate",
"dateOfBirth": "01/01/1975",
"ssn": "611-11-1111",
"email": "[email protected]",
"address": "123 Easy St",
"City": "Mountain View",
"State": "CA",
"Zip": "94043",
"offer": {
"products": [
"requestOptions": {
"sendPurchaseReceipt": true,
"ConsentReceived": true
The API will respond with an HTTP 201 Created and the created report order.
Response Example:
"Id": "f84416d6-2d03-4a43-bae7-c514332544d2",
"Candidate": {
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"SSN": "XXX-XX-1111",
"DateOfBirth": "1975-01-01T00:00:00-08:00",
"Address": "123 Easy St",
"City": "Mountain View",
"State": "CA",
"Zip": "94043"
"Status": "New",
"StatusDetails": "Pending",
"SectionsContainingAlerts": [],
"ReportViewerUrl": "https://sandbox.goodhire.com/member/report-api?CandidateId=3762e54e-d10d-4f82-a2ee-cadfa2790f8d",
"CandidateUrl": "https://tm-sandbox.goodhire.com/candidate?inviteId=3762e54e-d10d-4f82-a2ee-cadfa2790f8d",
"RequiredReportActions": [],
"CheckStatuses": []
Response Attributes
Name | Format | Description |
Id | string | The unique id of the report |
Candidate | object | See Candidate Paramaters |
Status | string | The current status of the ordered report on GoodHire. See Status Values |
StatusDetails | string | More details on the report status. See StatusDetails Values |
ReportViewerUrl | string | URL for the employer to view the background check on GoodHire.com |
SectionsContainingAlerts | array of strings | List of report sections that contain “alerts� |
AdverseActionStatus | string | The current status of any adverse action taken. See AdjuidcationStatus Values |
RequiredReportActions | array of strings | See Required Report Actions |
Status Values
- New – Report is created, awaiting processing
- RequiresAdditionalInfo – Report is awaiting action from user or GH member services.
- MissingInput – Candidate data is invalid/incomplete.
- Processing – Report is currently being processed (certain report sections may take several days to complete).
- Canceled – Report processing was aborted by request.
- Expired – Report processing was aborted due to invalid/incomplete candidate information.
- CompletedRequiresReview – Report processing completed, and the report contains section(s) awaiting review.
- CompletedAlert – Report processing completed, and the report contains alert(s).
- CompletedAlertCleared – Report processing completed, and the report contains alert(s). All alert(s) have been deemed as okay.
- CompletedClear – Report execution completed, and all sections are clear.
StatusDetails Values
- New – Report is received.
- Pending – Report is created and processing
- ProcessingDelay – Report is processing and has a one or more delayed search.
- AwaitingInput – The employer has asked the candidate to provide information and is waiting for the request to be completed
- MissingInfo – The employer did not provide candidate information.
- AwaitingConfirmation – The employer or candidate needs to confirm the candidate’s information.
- AwaitingConsent – The employer or candidate needs to provide the candidate’s consent.
- AwaitingConsentReview – Consent form was uploaded by the employer and needs to be reviewed by GoodHire member services.
- AwaitingCountyFee – The employer needs to accept/reject the additional county fee imposed by the county court.
- AwaitingDrugTestScheduling – The candidate needs to schedule their drug screening test.
- AwaitingDateToContactCurrentEmployer – The candidate indicated a future date to contact their current employer.
- AwaitingIdentityVerification – The candidate needs to complete their identity verification.
- AwaitingInternationalDocs – The employer/candidate needs to add their documents for an international search.
- MissingInternationalDocs – The employer/candidate needs to add their documents for an international search.
- AwaitingInternationalDocsReview – Documents for an international search were uploaded by the candidate and needs to be reviewed by GoodHire member service.
- CompletedRequiresReview – The report completed with section(s) requiring review.
- Clear – The report completed without alerts.
- Alert – The report completed with alert(s).
- AlertCleared – The has completed with alert(s). All alert(s) have been deemed as okay.
- Canceled – Report processing was aborted by request.
- Expired – Report processing was aborted due to invalid/incomplete candidate information.
- Locked – The report has been locked. GoodHire member services will contact the customer directly.
- NotVerified – The employer/company has not been verified to run reports.
AdjudicationStatus Values
- Meets Criteria – Records meet criteria
- Needs Review – Records need review
- Action Needed – Records indicate decline. Need the user to intiate Pre-Adverse Action process
- Pre-Adverse Action Sent – Records indicate Adverse Action. Adverse Action notification sent
Required Report Actions
Name | Format | Description |
Type | string | Action type |
Description | string | Description of activity that needs to be performed |
Url | string | URL of the page on Goodhire.com where the requestor can complete the activity |
UrlCandidate | string | URL of the page on Goodhire.com, where the candidate can complete the activity |
Step Select Report
This endpoint takes in a candidate’s information and returns a URL to redirect the user(hiring employer) to GoodHire.com. On GoodHire, the employer can select the type of background report they would like to run and checkout.
HTTP Request
POST /company/:company_id/requestor/:requestor_id/partnerappaccess/stepselectreport
URL Parameters
Name | Description |
company_id | The id of the company ordering the report |
requestor_id | The id of the requestor ordering the report |
Request Body Paramaters
Name | Required | Format | Description |
Candidate | x | object | see Candidate Paramaters |
RequestOptions | Object | see Redirect Request Options Parameters |
Redirect Request Options Parameters
Request options are meant to customize portions of the request, such as marking all information as submited for a candidate, adding billing codes, or stopping a receipt email from being sent.
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
UrlCancel | string | URL where user will be redirected in case he/she decides to exist purchase flow (URL used on “cancel� buttons). If URL is not provided, “cancel� buttons will not be shown and user may simply exit the flow by closing the browser window | |
UrlCallback | string | URL where user will be redirected when purchase is completed (URL used on “finish� buttons). If URL is not provided, “finish� buttons will not be shown and user may simply exit the flow by closing the browser window | |
SendPurchaseReceipt | boolean | Specifies if email receipt will be sent to requestor after purchase. (default is true) | |
SuppressCandidateSelfCompleteEmails | boolean | Whether or not emails to collect information from the candidate are disabled. (defaults to false) | |
SuppressCandidateConsentEmails | boolean | Whether or not emails to collect background check consent from the candidate are disabled. (defaults to false) | |
SuppressCandidateDrugConsentEmails | boolean | Whether or not emails to collect drug test consent from the candidate are disabled. (defaults to false) | |
ConsentReceived | boolean | Certification that you have already collected consent for the background check being ordered. (defaults to false) | |
IncludeReportData | boolean | Whether or not the results of the background check will be included as JSON in the created report object. (defaults to false) | |
BillingCode | string | Optional code that will be associated with report purchase on billing invoice. Max 50 characters, spaces allowed. (Billing codes must be enabled in customer account) |
Request Example:
curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]"
The API will respond with an HTTP 200 Ok. The body of the response will include the created report order and a URL to direct the hiring employer to the GoodHire.com pricing page, where they can select their report type and checkout.
Response Example:
"Url": "https://sandbox.goodhire.com/member/?_act=partnerAppAccess&accesstoken=6c8c684b-74ac-4c73-9f4c-ceb58582b8a0&_oid=91cede38-577c-4b69-ac72-55471169b071&_page=businessPartnerSelectReport",
"Report": {
"Id": "4ac7744e-0360-47df-9191-78c78019ef19",
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]"
Response Attributes
Name | Format | Description |
Url | string | Url used to direct customers to so they can complete checkout within GoodHire |
Id | string | The unique id of the report |
Candidate | object | See Candidate Parameters |
Step Checkout
This endpoint takes in a candidate’s information and background report from the HR platform and returns a URL to redirect the user(hiring employer) to the checkout page of GoodHire.com. Here, the employer can complete their purchase.
HTTP Request
POST /company/:company_id/requestor/:requestor_id/partnerappaccess/stepcheckout
URL Parameters
Name | Description |
company_id | The id of the company ordering the report |
requestor_id | The id of the requestor ordering the report |
Request Body Paramaters
Name | Required | Format | Descrption |
Candidate | x | object | see Candidate Paramaters |
Offer | x | Object | see Offer Parameters |
RequestOptions | Object | see Redirect Request Options Parameters |
Request Example:
curl -i -X POST -H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
-H "Content-Type: application/json"
-d '{
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"Products": [
The API will respond with an HTTP 200 Ok. The body of the response will include the created report order and a URL to direct the hiring employer to the GoodHire.com pricing page, where they can select their report type and checkout.
Response Example:
"Url": "https://sandbox.goodhire.com/member/?_act=partnerAppAccess&accesstoken=6c8c684b-74ac-4c73-9f4c-ceb58582b8a0&_oid=91cede38-577c-4b69-ac72-55471169b071&_page=businessPartnerSelectReport",
"Report": {
"Id": "4ac7744e-0360-47df-9191-78c78019ef19",
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]"
"Products": ["RPT_BASIC"]
Response Attributes
Name | Format | Description |
Url | string | Url used to direct customers to so they can complete checkout within GoodHire |
Id | string | The unique id of the report |
Candidate | object | See Candidate Parameters |
Retrieve a Report
This endpoint retrieves the status of a report order and returns a report status.
HTTP Request:
GET /company/:company_id/requestor/:requestor_id/report/:report_id
URL Parameters
Parameter | Description |
report_id | The id of the report to retrieve |
Request Example:
curl -H "Authorization: ApiKey YOUR_API_KEY"
The API will respond with an HTTP 200 Ok and a report status for the specific report order.
Response Example:
"Id": "3d197cf7-29b5-4756-83d8-e1bc44ac5054",
"ReportStatus": {
"Id": "f84416d6-2d03-4a43-bae7-c514332544d2",
"Candidate": {
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"SSN": "XXX-XX-1111",
"DateOfBirth": "1975-01-01T00:00:00-08:00",
"Address": "123 Easy St",
"City": "Mountain View",
"State": "CA",
"Zip": "94043",
"IsPuertoRicoResident": false,
"IsVirginIslandsResident": false
"Status": "CompletedAlert",
"StatusDetails": "Alert",
"AdjudicationStatus": "Action Needed",
"SectionsContainingAlerts": [
"SSN Trace + Associated Counties",
"National Criminal Records Check",
"Sex Offender List Check"
"ReportViewerUrl": "https://sandbox.goodhire.com/member/report-api?CandidateId=f0a27b91-23f0-4e72-953b-83d49d190bff",
"CandidateUrl": "https://tm-sandbox.goodhire.com/candidate?inviteId=f0a27b91-23f0-4e72-953b-83d49d190bff",
"RequiredReportActions": [],
"CheckStatuses": [
"CheckName": "SSN Trace + Associated Counties",
"ProcessingStatus": "Completed",
"Result": "Alert",
"LastUpdated": "2020-02-19T10:19:01.563-08:00"
"CheckName": "National Criminal Records Check",
"ProcessingStatus": "Completed",
"Result": "Alert",
"LastUpdated": "2020-02-19T10:19:02.957-08:00"
"CheckName": "Sex Offender List Check",
"ProcessingStatus": "Completed",
"Result": "Alert",
"LastUpdated": "2020-02-19T10:19:03.973-08:00"
Response Attributes
Name | Format | Description |
Id | string | The unique id of the report |
Candidate | object | See Candidate Parameters |
Status | string | The current status of the ordered report on GoodHire. See Status Values |
StatusDetails | string | More details on the report status. See StatusDetails Values |
ReportViewerUrl | string | URL for the employer to view the background check on GoodHire.com |
SectionsContainingAlerts | array of strings | List of report sections that contain “alerts� |
AdjudicationStatus | string | The adjudication status of the report. See AdjudicationStatus Values |
RequiredReportActions | array of strings | See Required Report Actions |
Whenever the status of a resource changes in the API, we will submit a POST request to a URL you provide with information on the new status. To set up a listening webhook URL for your account, visit the API configuration section of the developer dashboard and edit the Webhook URL field.
In response to a Webhook notification, your server should return a 200 response status code. If our system receives a non-200 code, we will continue trying to send the webhook with an increasing delay of 2 hours, 4 hours, 6 hours, 8 hours and 12 hours thereafter, for up to 10 days.
"Id": "3d197cf7-29b5-4756-83d8-e1bc44ac5054",
"ReportStatus": {
"Id": "f84416d6-2d03-4a43-bae7-c514332544d2",
"Candidate": {
"FirstName": "Test",
"LastName": "Candidate",
"Email": "[email protected]",
"SSN": "XXX-XX-1111",
"DateOfBirth": "1975-01-01T00:00:00-08:00",
"Address": "123 Easy St",
"City": "Mountain View",
"State": "CA",
"Zip": "94043",
"IsPuertoRicoResident": false,
"IsVirginIslandsResident": false
"Status": "CompletedAlert",
"StatusDetails": "Alert",
"AdjudicationStatus": "Action Needed",
"SectionsContainingAlerts": [
"SSN Trace + Associated Counties",
"National Criminal Records Check",
"Sex Offender List Check"
"ReportViewerUrl": "https://sandbox.goodhire.com/member/report-api?CandidateId=f0a27b91-23f0-4e72-953b-83d49d190bff",
"CandidateUrl": "https://tm-sandbox.goodhire.com/candidate?inviteId=f0a27b91-23f0-4e72-953b-83d49d190bff",
"RequiredReportActions": [],
"CheckStatuses": [
"CheckName": "SSN Trace + Associated Counties",
"ProcessingStatus": "Completed",
"Result": "Alert",
"LastUpdated": "2020-02-19T10:19:01.563-08:00"
"CheckName": "National Criminal Records Check",
"ProcessingStatus": "Completed",
"Result": "Alert",
"LastUpdated": "2020-02-19T10:19:02.957-08:00"
"CheckName": "Sex Offender List Check",
"ProcessingStatus": "Completed",
"Result": "Alert",
"LastUpdated": "2020-02-19T10:19:03.973-08:00"
Response Attributes
Name | Format | Description |
Id | string | The unique id of the webhook |
ReportStatus | object | See Report Object |
Webhooks can configured to include a hash signature in the X-Goodhire-Signature header. To add this signature, you’ll need to add a Webhook Signature Key to your account through the API configuration section of the developer dashboard. To verify the identity of an inbound webhook, compute the SHA-256 HMAC hash of the webhook body using your Webhook Signature Key as the secret key and compare this value to the signature hash.