Ordering a Background Check
  • 04 May 2021
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Ordering a Background Check

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From the dashboard, employers can click on the green Run a New Background Check button in the top left.

Ordering a background check is comprised of three steps:

  1. Selecting a background check package and adding on any additional screening services.
  2. Providing payment details and checking out.
  3. Adding/receiving information about the candidate.

Employers can choose between three background check packages:

  • SSN Trace
  • Sex Offender List Search
  • Nationwide Criminal Databases Search
  • SSN Trace
  • Sex Offender Registry Search
  • Nationwide Criminal Databases Search
  • Domestic Watch List Search
  • 7-year County Criminal Court Record Search
  • SSN Trace
  • Sex Offender Registry Search
  • Nationwide Criminal Databases Search
  • Domestic Watch List Search
  • 7-year County Criminal Court Record Search
  • Employer Verification
  • Education Verification


Employers will then have the option to add any additional screening services to the overall background check.


Next, employers will proceed to GoodHire’s secure checkout to place their order.


Providing Candidate Details

Once the desired screening services have been ordered, GoodHire needs to receive the candidate’s details in order to begin running any background checks. This can be done in two different ways:


Candidate Provides Their Own Information:

The simplest way to gather the candidate’s information is to have the candidate directly provide it. Once employers provide the candidate’s legal first and last names, as well as an email address, GoodHire will send an email to the candidate requesting their details. Employers can customize the email that candidates receive to their liking.

Employer Provides Candidate Details:

Alternatively, employers can simply provide the candidate’s details themselves. These details consist of the candidate’s legal name, date of birth, current address, and social security number. Additionally, the employer will need to provide information about where the candidate will be performing their job responsibilities, should they be made an official offer of employment.

Employers will also need to provide the specific details for any checks that require information beyond what is initially provided (e.g. driver’s license number for an MVR check, former employer details for an employment verification, etc.)

Once the candidate’s details have been provided and confirmed, the employer will need to receive candidate consent to run the background check. Employers can opt to send an email to the candidate through GoodHire asking for consent, or they can upload a hard copy of the candidate consent.

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