Nationwide Criminal Databases Search
  • 13 Aug 2021
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Nationwide Criminal Databases Search

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The Nationwide Criminal Databases Search scans criminal records databases from all 50 states, including digitized records from the Department of Corrections, Administrative Office of the Courts and county court records, and returns offenses at the county and state levels. These records include all infractions, misdemeanors, and felonies, such as DUIs, DWIs, assault, theft, burglary, and more.


Employers can add an Alias Name Search to expand the search for criminal records beyond the candidate’s legal name, to include any additional candidate-provided names such as nicknames or maiden names. This search can also use aliases returned during the SSN Trace. Price is per alias name.


The Nationwide Criminal Databases Search is included in all GoodHire preconfigured (Basic, Standard, Premium) background check packages.

Reviewing Results

If no records are found, the Nationwide Criminal Databases Search tab will display a clear status.


If there are any records that match the candidate’s name and date of birth, they will be displayed in the results tab of the Nationwide Criminal Databases Search. Each record displays the record source and offender details, as well as any associated addresses.

Clicking “Show More Details” at the bottom of each record will expand the record to display the offenses attached, with each offense record containing substantial information about offense type, date, and outcome.

Ongoing Alerts

As part of the Nationwide Criminal Databases Search, employers have the option to activate Ongoing Alerts. For a small additional monthly fee, Ongoing Alerts re-runs the Nationwide Criminal Databases Search every month from the day that it is activated.

For instance, if an employer activates an Ongoing Alert on the 18th of the month, it will run on the 18th of every month until it is disabled.

Turnaround Time

Turnaround time is typically less than 1 business day.


The records returned will only show convictions and pending cases. You will not see any non-convictions or dismissals on the report. Records will always include the name of the crime, the verdict, and the date of the verdict. Any other information included is optional.

The Nationwide Criminal Databases Search returns all past records, but only if the records are digitized. To search through non-digitized records, you will need to purchase a County Criminal Court Search.

The Nationwide Criminal Database Search will not return any standard traffic offenses, such as speeding or reckless driving. For standard traffic offenses, employers will need to purchase a Motor Vehicle Records Check

For a further overview of GoodHire’s Nationwide Criminal Databases Search, please refer to our Nationwide Criminal Databases Coverage Document

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