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Why GoodHire
How it Works
For business
Employment Screening
For individuals
True Me Checks
Create a Free Business Account
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Phone number
Work Email
Create Password (At least 8 characters)
Your Password Must:
Have at least 8 characters
Include at least two of the following three:
Upper case letter, symbol or number
The password can not contain the word “Password” or your email address
4 Digit Security PIN
Confirm PIN
Estimated Reports Volume
Please specify
1 – 10 per year
10 – 25 per year
25 – 150 per year
150 – 500 per year
500 – 1500 per year
1500 – 2500 per year
Over 2500 per year
Please specify
Yes – Immediately
Yes – In the next 30 days
Yes – In 1-3 months
Yes – In 3-6 months
Yes – In more than 6 months
No – I’m not looking for a new provider
I agree to the
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
, and
Screening Policy
. I have received the
Notice to Users of Consumer Reports
, and I certify that I will only use GoodHire for the purpose of employment screening.
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