Using GoodHire FAQ
  • 21 Mar 2022
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Using GoodHire FAQ

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Can I order multiple background checks at once, or do I need to order them one one at a time?

How am I notified that my background check is finished?

How do I turn off notification emails?

Am I able to add a check to a completed background check?

When the report is finished, can I download or print it?

How often are candidates reminded to provide their information so the background check can start running?

How can I update my organization’s name or address?

I’m getting an OOPS error. How can I fix it?

How can I look at results by status?

Why am I charged before I provide the candidate’s information?

Why do you give candidates copies of the reports I order?

Where do I go to leave feedback?

How can I see the candidate info that was provided?

Where can I view a glossary of terms and criminal codes?

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