November 22, 2021How Background Screening Technology Innovations Help Employers Overcome New Hiring Challenges
November 17, 202160% of millennials find purpose at work, but many are still looking to quit, survey finds
August 24, 2021Go back to the office? Some workers would rather sacrifice half their pay – and their holidays
April 5, 2022A Return to Office Battle Between Managers and Employees is Looming, According to GoodHire SurveyGoodHire announces the results of a survey of 3,500 managers on return to office mandates, managing remote employees, and more.
January 26, 2022Shifting U.S. Workforce and Record Hiring Boosts GoodHire’s MomentumMomentum led by increased demand for employment background screening services as companies scramble to secure the best talent in a competitive, remote working landscape.
January 11, 2022Warning to Managers: Survey Shows Most Workers Will Quit a Bad Boss82% of workers across 10 industries say they would quit their jobs due to their manager’s poor behavior, including not being open/honest, micromanaging, and disrespecting personal time.
November 9, 2021GoodHire Survey Finds Millennials Are Most Fulfilled By Work, But Still Exhibit Signs of Restlessness90% of Millennials favor a 4-day workweek — the most of any generation — and nearly 50% expect to change their job in the next year.
October 28, 2021GoodHire Predicts Automation, Remote Work, New Legislation, and Data Privacy Demands Will Impact Screening and Hiring in 2022As companies address employee demand for more flexible work arrangements in 2022, they will need to adapt their hiring processes to protect data privacy, accelerate time to hire, and expand the candidate pool.
August 24, 2021GoodHire Survey Finds Americans Are Willing to Take Pay Cuts or Forgo Benefits to Work From HomeGoodHire, a leading background check platform, urges employers to get smart—remote work is the “new normal,” and employers need to understand how employee sentiment impacts hiring and building a trusted workforce.